9th January 2025
31st March 2022
This month, GSE plan to cycle 874 miles, the same distance from John O’Groats to Lands End (without even leaving the office)!
The original dedicated charity was St. Mungo’s, but given current circumstances, we’ve decided to split the money we raise with the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal as well. For this, we’ll donate the money to the Disasters Emergency Committee as they send the money to wherever it’s needed at the time within the country, in regards to food, water, shelter & healthcare.
Update #1, 07/03/2022: We’re 1 week into our bike-a-thon and so far we’ve managed to cycle 200 miles as a team, which is amazing, but we’ve still got a long way to go!
Update #2, 14/03/2022: After week 2 of our bike-a-thon, we’re on 344 miles! We are a little bit behind but we’ll pick it back up!
Update #3, 18/03/2022: It’s the end of Week 3 of our Bike-a-thon! As a team, we’ve managed to cycle an amazing 531 miles and we’ve raised £215! Amazing effort from everyone, well done team!
Update #4, 25/03/2022: We’re almost at the end of the bike-a-thon, and we’re rounding off Week 4 on 622 miles! We have 252 miles to do over the next 4 days, (so wish us luck!), but we’ve managed to raise £270 for St. Mungo’s & the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, which is amazing. Well done everyone!
Update #5, 31/03/2022: And we’re done! Thanks to everyone in the office for all their hard work, and we’ve also managed to raise £270, so thank you to everyone who donated! We will be donating the money to St. Mungo’s & The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal (via the DEC).
In April 2022, we’ll be holding a charity pub quiz in Hammersmith, to raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital. If you’d like to participate or know more about the event, please give us a call on 020 3405 3120.